The Power Summit

For Leaders to Ascend Into Their Power

Becoming Powerful

If you've ever said to yourself, "I know there's more to life than what I'm experiencing. And I know there's more to me than what I'm experiencing", then the Power Summit is for you.

The Power Summit is going to take you to the highest point of your power. During this event you will learn to:

Become an unstoppable and powerful leader in your work, family, and community.

See a brand new perspective of yourself and what you're capable of.

Have more awareness of your abilities and natural gifts.

Embrace what is beautiful about you.

Feel FANTASTIC about yourself.

What is this?

The Power Summit is a live Zoom event, hosted by Mahdi Davenport and Dustin Washington, Co-Founders of the Soul Focused Group and the Human Solidarity Project.

Date: September 23th, 2023 from 10am - 1pm PST

Location: Zoom

Special Introductory Price: $50

Meet Our Leadership

Your Image

Berwick Mahdi Davenport

CEO, Co-Founder of Soul Focused Group

Berwick Mahdi Davenport, a.k.a. “M,” is a highly creative social justice innovator skilled at turning people on and igniting their Soul fire. He brings with him more than 30 years of experience reconnecting leaders to their power. Mahdi is also a pioneer in the field of Life Coaching. He is a coach who coaches, coaches working with and mentoring thousands of leaders from all over the globe.

Your Image

Dustin Washington

COO, Co-Founder of Soul Focused Group

Dustin has over 25 years of powerful experience as a Racial Equity educator and social change leader. With unparalleled passion and dedication, Dustin serves his community as a brilliant and creative teacher, facilitator, spiritual life coach, and friend.

Feel And Live In Your Power

We have the ability to create a reality where people are truly connected and operating from a place of human solidarity.

After the Power Summit you will have:

The ability to use your natural power to change the reality of your life to what you want to experience.

The ability to get more out of yourself than you ever thought was possible.

The ability to attract to yourself the abundance, people, and experiences you want in your life.

The ability to find solutions, instead of dwelling on the problems.


How do I get access to the event?

After you register below, we'll send you a Zoom link for the event. Join the Zoom meeting on September 23rd, 10am - 1pm and we'll see you there!

Will there be another Power Summit?

The Power Summit will be an ongoing series offered quarterly. Each session will be a continuation of our conversation and cover new topics. We hope to see you at each one!

Do you offer refunds?

We'll refund you 100% up to 24 hours before the event. Just reach out to us at

I have more questions. Who do I reach out to?

We're happy to answer any other questions you may have. Just reach out to us at and we'll get back to you asap.



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